Saturday 9 April 2011

Another benefit of being listed on Radio Talent's site is that when you are an Elite member you also get a free place on a site that lets you get TV Jobs

TV continuity's site has two primary goals. The first is to add value to your Radio Talent listing and the second to make continuity scheduling much easier for producers.

Because TV Continuity only ever lists authentic TV continuity links and nothing else, it makes it easy for TV stations to find the best voice over faster and more accurately than ever before.

All you will need to take part is a specific continuity demo, this needs to be no more than 90 seconds if you are not an in vision announcer.

Radio Talent was used countless times in the past to provide voice overs for continuity and so it made sense for them to expand on this and provide the TV companies something they can call their own.

To they also have a for a guide on how to make a continuity demo located on both websites.


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