Tuesday 12 April 2011

Capital 95.8, London Studios

We all know that London's Capital Radio like to do things properly but this is just...
Oh - my - dear- god- alive- dot - com - forward - slash - wow!
24 plasma screens - at least 11 flat panel monitors - and a wonderful blue hue make up the United Kingdom's hit music station studio's.

As voiceovers who are accustomed to the best Soho has to offer, we found this just took all the other studios and made most of them look rather grubby and "try hard".

Well done Capital, you have succeeded in making even the most accomplished voice over or presenter well and truly in awe of your massiveness and those that are not; immediately want radio jobs!

We did wonder if the blue goes red during slow songs though...now that would be nice..

And whilst we are on the subject of hot voice over studios er..
This is one of those SOHO aforementioned bad boys... Zoo in London, with its trendy name, location and staff. Here, even the Mics wear Prada, may you record here and enter voice-over satori.

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