Wednesday 20 April 2011

Getting into TV

Who doesn't want to work in TV?

For some of our Radio Talent members, we offer a free place on our partner site TV Continuity which enables them to reach our TV Contacts for Continuity work.

This is a great idea because a few radio presenters and journalists lost their jobs last year and are now wandering around bumping into things looking for work. So instead of lying in a heap on the floor wishing to be back working on "101 The Small" these people can now set their sites on new skills, those of TV Continuity.

We even offer a podcast which shows how to make a TV Continuity demo and this information is extremely rare; unless of course you are a Jedi or own ITV.

No experience is necessary to be a continuity announcer on the TV ( that's the bit where they talk in between programmes by the way ) you can start from scratch and get a job without any experience from our website; providing you have the skills that is.

The principal of the TV Continuity website is the same as Radio Talent. It enables employers to find you when it suits them, NOT when it suits you.

See TV Continuity Site
More info on TV Continuity or voice over work


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