Wednesday 20 April 2011

Is Radio Talent worth its money?

Without a shadow of a doubt, Radio Talent is not just a power house investment for anyone who considers themselves professional - but its an invaluable resource for production houses, ad agencies, radio stations and management.

We wrote how one producer bought two years membership and as a result earned more than £60,000 and counting, you can read the article here.
We wrote how another took responsibility for her own career success and turned £80 into £10,000 which you can read here.

Whilst most of us are guarded about our finances we have changed life's putting people at the pinnacles of their careers, taken from "under" to "over" the VAT threshold, and turned "all is lost" attitudes into renewed and colourful career outlooks. We have found routes to Radio 1, ITV, Sky 1, Channel 4 and provided jobs for some of the biggest names in radio today.

So is Radio Talent worth its money? No S*&& Sherlock.


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