Wednesday 20 April 2011

Is Radio Talent worth its money?

Without a shadow of a doubt, Radio Talent is not just a power house investment for anyone who considers themselves professional - but its an invaluable resource for production houses, ad agencies, radio stations and management.

We wrote how one producer bought two years membership and as a result earned more than £60,000 and counting, you can read the article here.
We wrote how another took responsibility for her own career success and turned £80 into £10,000 which you can read here.

Whilst most of us are guarded about our finances we have changed life's putting people at the pinnacles of their careers, taken from "under" to "over" the VAT threshold, and turned "all is lost" attitudes into renewed and colourful career outlooks. We have found routes to Radio 1, ITV, Sky 1, Channel 4 and provided jobs for some of the biggest names in radio today.

So is Radio Talent worth its money? No S*&& Sherlock.

Getting into TV

Who doesn't want to work in TV?

For some of our Radio Talent members, we offer a free place on our partner site TV Continuity which enables them to reach our TV Contacts for Continuity work.

This is a great idea because a few radio presenters and journalists lost their jobs last year and are now wandering around bumping into things looking for work. So instead of lying in a heap on the floor wishing to be back working on "101 The Small" these people can now set their sites on new skills, those of TV Continuity.

We even offer a podcast which shows how to make a TV Continuity demo and this information is extremely rare; unless of course you are a Jedi or own ITV.

No experience is necessary to be a continuity announcer on the TV ( that's the bit where they talk in between programmes by the way ) you can start from scratch and get a job without any experience from our website; providing you have the skills that is.

The principal of the TV Continuity website is the same as Radio Talent. It enables employers to find you when it suits them, NOT when it suits you.

See TV Continuity Site
More info on TV Continuity or voice over work

What is the point of all this nonsense

Some might ask, what is the point of Radio Talent? Granted it is mainly the thick people that ask us that; so rather than point at them and laugh, we explain to them that it works rather like this:

Clever people see an opportunity and create a page on our website for a small fee. The page not only allows them a publicly accessed professional resume which they can update and cherish like a new pony, but enables them to reach people whom they may never reach in a million years.

The cleverest of those people work out how much it costs to have a page VS how  long term it can benefit them through opportunity and awareness - which we all know, eventually leads to cash.

But for Producers and Radio Bosses - what about those people?

Well these groups of people never ask us the point, as they tend to already know. If they didn't then they wouldn't be bosses. Because all bosses are smart.

For them Radio Talent allows them to easily see people of noteworthy standard who work in radio or TV. They can track progress, make contact, or just keep a watchful eye on the whole industry rather like a beady owl in a tree.

They can also talk to one of our staff by email, or place free radio jobs on our website which in turn automatically go on those websites where people write sentences or look at pictures of their ex girlfriend.

What's in it for you?

We like to think of Radio Talent as like a private collection of cars owned by a rich movie star. An array of beautiful marques, pristine, outstanding and exceptional.

A display of only the best there is on offer, all shiny, crisp and desirable. Reserved only for the discerning eye, the invited, those that can appreciate, those that understand.

Our website lists the achievers, the progressive thinkers, the ones you want to work with. The most exciting newcomers, the most seasoned voice overs rock solid presenters, award winning journalists and heavyweight producers make up what is still the world's only talent identification tool. And if you want talent, you want talent who have made the effort to catch your eye...not just today...but for tomorrow.

Who is Radio Talent?

Hello, it's only us, yes you remember us... you know the website that makes millions for its members and saves thousands for radio stations, the one that makes people kinda famous or gets them jobs. The one that puts voice overs on TV,  makes producers filthy rich, and talent spotting ten times easier.

Indeed some might call us heroes, heroes that have galloped valiantly on muscular white steeds amongst the media shrubbery in search for the chosen ones for the last 6 years.

Others think of us like the Ordinance Survey of broadcast... because it is us who are the masters that plot, trace and identify our world's greatest creatives so they can find a place on our map and be found.

If you would like to consider joining Radio Talent's band of enthusiastic forward thinkers before even reading the rest of this wordsmith genuis you can start

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Capital 95.8, London Studios

We all know that London's Capital Radio like to do things properly but this is just...
Oh - my - dear- god- alive- dot - com - forward - slash - wow!
24 plasma screens - at least 11 flat panel monitors - and a wonderful blue hue make up the United Kingdom's hit music station studio's.

As voiceovers who are accustomed to the best Soho has to offer, we found this just took all the other studios and made most of them look rather grubby and "try hard".

Well done Capital, you have succeeded in making even the most accomplished voice over or presenter well and truly in awe of your massiveness and those that are not; immediately want radio jobs!

We did wonder if the blue goes red during slow songs that would be nice..

And whilst we are on the subject of hot voice over studios er..
This is one of those SOHO aforementioned bad boys... Zoo in London, with its trendy name, location and staff. Here, even the Mics wear Prada, may you record here and enter voice-over satori.

Saturday 9 April 2011

One man makes 60k from a website

Capital Radio producer Dave Moses has been head hunted not once but twice since having his profile on the Radio Talent website; earning a staggering 62,000% return on his investment; slightly better than the bank of England.

Currently working in the central London hub for both 95.8 Capital FM and the new Capital Radio Network, Dave arguably owes much of his career success to Radio Talent; or more accurately to himself for taking responsibility for his own marketing and investing wisely.

Before it all started, Dave was a DJ at Win FM where he presented the drive time show, he was there for quite a while before realising he was actually quite rubbish and nobody liked him. This though, was all about to change.

He decides to Join Radio Talent for a laugh

For a bet, Dave decided to join Radio Talent and create some awareness for his new found production skills; he had in his spare time purchased a mixing desk from the electronics specialist Maplin and and was learning the art of fading in and also fading out.

Several weeks later after hearing his demo on Radio Talent he was head hunted by the programme director of Berkshire and North Hampshire's 2 TEN FM, as Dave recalls it was there that things started to pick up for him:
Things really started to pick up for me from then Dave says.

Until the magical call, Dave was thinking he might spend the rest of his life in Winchester at Win FM:

Win FM was so small I was worried I might go out for lunch one day and return to find it had blown away in the wind" Dave jokes wittily.

A gift for us all

Soon after the call from the mighty GCAP he was then head hunted by an Australian man and ended up landing a dream job at the country's biggest radio station 95.8 Capital FM.

And all because of his radio talent profile?

Dave spoke of this elation:.

"I know it's amazing" he minced.

But that's not the end of the story. Today Dave emailed Radio Talnt to say that he was about to be spotted a THIRD time by a really important Capital Radio North of England Regional Programme Director.

According to Dave, the PD (who we won't mention as he will be spammed) was about to employ Dave before realising he already worked for the same company Dave says:
"He was about to give me a gig and then realised I already worked for the company"

Dave pictured here is very grateful that Radio Talent made direct and significant impact on his career, and stated that he probably would not be at Capital if it wasn't for them.

As a gift he bought Radio Talent some bananas.

WIKI and reference section
(i) The picture of the man with the beard is not Dave it is a man called Moses. Dave's second name is Moses, which we thought was brilliantly witty, because we found a picture of Moses.
(ii) Win FM was a radio station based in the town of Winchester in Hampshire England. The cunning creators of the station cleverly created an abbreviation to name it WIN utilising only three of the available ten letters of the town it broadcast to. However at the same time they also discovered that the word WIN was also a  word which all people liked. This legendary marketing pun was a huge global success and the creator of the name now works for global advertising agency Saatchi and Saatchi.
(iii) Dave - a Radio Producer
(iv) If you are a clever talented individual like Dave and think it's about time you got recognised you too can try and make as much money as him here.

(v) By the way if you think you are smart and can do maths, you can work out how much money Dave has made from his investment. However we are not counting his current salary as that would be crass, nor are we divulging how long it took nor how much he earned in each job, so there.
Another benefit of being listed on Radio Talent's site is that when you are an Elite member you also get a free place on a site that lets you get TV Jobs

TV continuity's site has two primary goals. The first is to add value to your Radio Talent listing and the second to make continuity scheduling much easier for producers.

Because TV Continuity only ever lists authentic TV continuity links and nothing else, it makes it easy for TV stations to find the best voice over faster and more accurately than ever before.

All you will need to take part is a specific continuity demo, this needs to be no more than 90 seconds if you are not an in vision announcer.

Radio Talent was used countless times in the past to provide voice overs for continuity and so it made sense for them to expand on this and provide the TV companies something they can call their own.

To they also have a for a guide on how to make a continuity demo located on both websites.

If you are thinking about being a member of a voice over site  you already know that the landscape for voiceovers has changed dramatically over the last 10 years.

It has now become officially the most competitive space in the entire arts world and that is a statement not to be taken lightly.

What it means is voiceovers with an old fashioned mentality or who expect to earn money will not survive. It means that voiceovers have to dig deep and find the most ways possible to maximise how to get work. It's no good being listed in one place or having a website; voiceovers have to be in as many places where there are eyes as possible.

Radio Talent allows voiceovers to have an attractive platform to enhance their awareness, one which fundamentally can be changed as often as required.

The website also has a six year proven track record of being a sound investment for any voice over and is the busiest website of its kind in the world.

Like other reputable portals, many of which we recommend, your decision to invest has to consider the medium to long term as well as the short. All the websites have their favourite users and choosing one over the other really is like turning your back on a whole selection of potential customers.

Radio Talent in particular has attracted higher profile artists and possibly as a result the slightly more desirable positions. Radio Talent has been the choice of the last five Radio 1 Voiceovers, voice overs from BBC1, Sky 1 and Channel 4

What's more when you create a page on Radio Talent you qualify for a discount for their partner site TV Continuity

If you have been a professional voice over for more than 2 years you can create your own website page.